
Need of Brain Tumor Surgery When in Trouble - Primamed Hospitals

If we are asked which is the main component of our body then the answer will be probably brain or heart. This is taught to us from early age and we just learn it. But as we grow up, we realize the real importance of these two organs. They do the most important work and without them, our body is nothing. As they are critical for the normal functioning of our body, special care should be taken. Efforts should be put to see that they are working fine. But no matter how hard we try or precaution we take, we are bound to get affected by conditions and diseases that don’t allow us to be normal. In some of the cases, the diseases are not small and can affect us badly. Brain tumor is one of those diseases. This should be treated as soon as possible. For brain tumor surgery in Delhi, you should go for Primamed Hospitals which is the best hospital for brain tumor in India . Brian tumor is defined as the condition when there is growth of cells in our brain which is not normal. The rate

Primamed Hospitals Gives You Best hip Replacement

We are able to move our body with the help of our musculoskeletal system. This system consists of all the parts that are required to make our body move from one place to another. It is made up of our muscular as well as skeletal system. This part comprises of all the bones, joints, cartilages, skeleton etc. Not only it provides movement, but support and stability is also given to our body with the help of musculoskeletal system. There are some conditions and diseases that affect the normal functioning of this system. Hip problem is one of the most common parts of our body to take a hit. There are different procedures to get rid of this problem but if it becomes a major problem, then it can be solved with the help of surgery in the form of hip replacement. Primamed is the best hip replacement hospital in Delhi, India . In hip replacement procedure, hip is replaced with the help of a prosthetic implant. There are two types of hip surgeries – total or hemi replacement. 1.   

Primamed is the Best Hospital for Bone Joint Replacement

If we look at the part of our body that gives movement to our body, then it is done with our muscular and skeletal system. Not only this system provides movement but also support and stability to our body is given by this system. It comprises of bones that are present in cartilage, skeleton, ligaments, joints etc. They also have connective tissues which help in binding all the organs together. Bones of our body are connected by joints with the help of which motion is provided. Bones also have a tendency to get adversely affected as they do a lot of work in our body. This work may cause rupture and wear and tear in the bones. As our musculoskeletal system is closely related to other internal organs, it becomes difficult to diagnose the disease. You will need the help of expert doctors who will look whether it is a small injury or requires major surgery. Primamed is the Best institute of bone joint in Delhi where there are options of advanced Orthopaedic surgery. Orthopedic su

Hospital for Brain Stroke Treatment in Delhi - Vimhans Hospital

When we talk about our body, then not only we have to take care of our exteriors but also interiors. This can be done when we live our life to the fullest.   And for that to happen, you should engage in proper physical activities and take a nutritional diet. This is because any injury to our body is visible to our eye but what if there is something wrong with the interiors. There aren’t any visible symptoms and it may get late to identify them. Brain Stroke can be included in this. It is a major condition and can also prove to be fatal. To get the best treatment for brain stroke, there is Primamed hospital which is the best hospital for Brain stroke treatment in India .  Brain stroke has a lot to do with blood flow. To keep the normal functioning of our brain, there should be regular blood flow. But when this flow is hampered, then occurs the problem. This can cause our body parts such as legs and hands to stop moving and also may result in hemorrhage. This is what happen

Diagnosis and Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis, also known as cervical osteoarthritis, is a condition refers to changes to the bones, discs, and joints of the neck. These changes are often caused by the wear and tear of aging. The problem generally happens in middle-ages and elderly people. If you are suffering from the problem, you better opt for an effective treatment for cervical spondylitis In India . The diagnosis process begins by asking you about the symptoms of the problems. The doctor may also take a medical history followed by a physical exam of the body focused on the shoulder, neck and back. Some doctors test reflexes and strength of arms and hands, watch you walk, and check the loss of sensation. Other tests may include some imaging exams such as CT scan, X-rays, and MRIs. The patient may also be referred to a neurologist. In majority of cases, cervical osteoarthritis is treated through conservative treatments. These treatments include:   Rest   Use of NSAIDs or non-narcotic pro

Minimally Invasive Joint Replacement Surgery in India

How often we hear older people complaining about joint pain, especially in the knee. In our rapid world, where people hardly pay attention to their body, a number of joint pain cases can be seen. The dearth of exercises and healthy food is making the situation worse for them. There might be a number of factors causing joint pain, but arthritis and sports injuries are the most common ones. In most cases surgery is rarely considered and joint pain is managed through conservative treatments. When it comes to conservative treatments, they include exercises, pain killer medications, healthy diet etc. In case conservative treatments do not respond to the problems, the pain persists for more than 3 months, and you are unable to walk or peruse your daily activities, your doctor may recommend you Joint Replacement in Delhi . Earlier joint replacement surgeries were known to be riskier, but with the emergence of latest technologies joint replacement surgery has turned out to be v

Back Pain: Definition, Types and Common Treatments

Back pain is quite a common complaint and people throughout the globe experience any kind of back pain at least once in their life. In most cases¸ back pain is painful and uncomfortable, but can be treated easily. Although back pain doesn’t discriminate among its victims, but it is common among people aged between 35 to 55 years. Pain in the lower back may be associated to the bony lumbar spine, spinal cord and nerves, ligaments around the spinal discs and spine, abdomen and pelvic internal organs. On the other hand upper back pain may occur due to tumors in the chest, disorders of the aorta, and spine inflammation. Commonly back pain is categorized into two types:   Acute- It is when the back pain comes on suddenly and lasts for a maximum of three months.   Chronic- It is when the back pain gradually develops persists for over three months and causes long-term problems. In case home treatments don’t produce good results, doctors of the Best Hospital for Sp