
Showing posts from August, 2016

Specialist for all most all kinds of medical disease

 India is one of the leading nations and has been known to produce the best surgeon and specialist for all most all kinds of medical disease. In the last five years there has been a drastic change in the hospital set all across the nation. Now we have many premium hospitals coming up and all of them are the  Best super specialty hospitals in India  as they have many specialized services with the latest state of art facilities.  We could define a super specialty hospital as a hospital that is primarily and exclusively engaged in the care and treatment of the patients suffering from a specific illness. They offer specialized services to their patients. All these are welcome changes for the Indian Healthcare Industry. It has witnessed a sudden paradigm shift in last decade. This change was inevitable and the Industry has been working towards it for a decade now.  This has now become visible with the new upcoming specialty hospital where not only in last few years. Last few year have b

Best Hip joint Replacement and Knee Replacement Hospital in Delhi

Vimhans hospital could be defined as a hospital that is primarily or exclusively engaged in the care and treatment of patients who is suffering various disease. We have various departments which includes Institute of neuroscience, institute of pathology and laboratory medicine, Institute of Pulmonology, institute of radio diagnosing, Institute of internal medicine and institute of bone and joints . We are considered as one of the  Best Hospital in India . The state of art and the latest facilities includes standing MRI, digital X ray and high end laboratory services. The hip is an important part of the body supporting in almost every day to day activity during standing, walking and running. The hip joint is also called ball and socket joint where end of the femur which is shaped like a ball fits into a socket on the hip bone. When the ball and socket joint gets damaged or when the hip pain is not getting rectified through proper medication and treatments, the doctors recommends the

We have the world best neurosurgeons

Vimhans hospital which has been into health care for last three decades and we provide services in almost every range of the surgery.  We have one of finest talent to take care of multiple body disorders.  Our services include providing treatment for people suffering from bones and Joints disability, in case of internal medicine, in Pulmonology disease etc. We also have a richly developed lab facilities an Institute of radiology diagnostic and molecular imaging. We are located in South of Delhi and from the time of  our inception we are known for our best services the success rates which we have in various surgeries which we have performed till date. Our services also aim to cure the disease before it enters into its chronic state. So we have the leading physicians and a range of health check up plans which are helpful to determine the earliest state of any disease which might affect the human health.  Our laboratory is of the highest quality which is open 24*7 for all kinds of

Best Hospital For Spine Surgery and disc disease in Delhi

The disc disease can take place throughout the spine, but it most often occurs in the discs in the lower back lumbar region and the neck i.e cervical region. The disc generally loses their water content because of disease or age which causes the vertebrae to come close to each other.  This leads to narrowing of nerve opening and the disc are not able to absorb the shocks as well. This can be observed when you are doing your regular activities. As a result, the nerve openings in your spine become narrower. When this happens, the discs don’t absorb the shocks as well, particularly when you are walking ,running, or jumping. At  Vimhans hospital  we provide all the treatments for various disc disorders at a reasonable rate . Generally disc disease occurs as you keep on aging. It can occur in any part of the spine and once this disc start losing their flexibility or getting diseased, they can’t recover back easily because they do not have a good blood supply.  The age related changes

Best pulmonologist in Delhi

Pulmonology include medication for chest and respiratory medicine in some countries and areas. Some of the symptoms of Pulmonology include shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness chest pressure or pain. You can also see  s welling in your ankles, legs and eventually in your abdomen. Some of the major risk factor includes tobacco smoke, second hand tobacco smoke, indoor air pollutants, outdoor air pollutants etc. Our Pulmonology Department has the   Best pulmonologist in Delhi  and offers bronchoscopy services which include both flexible and rigid. Our bronchoscopy procedure includes interventional bronchoscopy, especially Trans-Bronchial Needle Aspiration biopsies, endobronchial electrosurgery procedures, balloon bronchoplasty and stenting. We also conduct video assisted thoracoscopic procedures is another field of expertise of the department. The unit is also equipped with the Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) facility. The most commonly occurring Pulmonology disorder includes as

Best Hospitals for brain Stroke Treatment in India

Vimhans hospital is one of the  best hospitals in India  and we best brain surgeons to treat different complex brain tumor cases. These tumors vary as per the type of tumor and its location. There are tumors which will have no symptoms until they are quite large but the most common symptoms of a brain tumor is headache. The major cause of brain stroke is because of a blocked artery or the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel. People generally experience only a temporary disruption of blood flow to their brain in certain cases. The strokes can be of three types like ischemic stroke, thrombotic stroke and embolic stroke. We are one of the  best Hospitals for brain Stroke Treatment in India . The respiratory system is an important asset to transport air into the lungs and to facilitate the diffusion of Oxygen into the blood stream. Moreover it also receives waste Carbon Dioxide from the blood and exhales it. Generally the diseases and conditions of the respiratory system fall into